"The Best Value Investing Ecosystem and Society"

We are the lantern that enlightens you to be a wise and independent value investor


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Why Invest


Everybody has dreams: a grand penthouse, traveling around the world, early retirement, or even financial freedom so they can enjoy life to the fullest or devour money without limits.

We can't deny that most people struggle to fulfill their dreams due to the rising cost of living. At the same time, income or salary increases constantly can’t win the race with rising costs and expenses.

It creates a gap between what people can earn and what is needed to satisfy their dreams and meet their financial goals. This imbalance drives people to feel devastated. They hardly work to keep up but are still insecure about their financial future.

Investment helps pave the way to compound your resources wisely with sustainable return, allowing you to meet your needs and achieve your dreams.


Common Obstacles in Investing

Lack of knowledge

People can earn big money but can’t figure out how to manage it correctly to secure their wealth for living life or get an early retirement. It may happen because they only know how to keep the money by saving it in the bank.

Meanwhile, many factors, such as more significant expenses, unpredictable events, and financial policy, can abruptly drain wealth. Most people still don’t know that we can make money works for us through value investing.

Lack of reliable and practical understanding

People can find information and wisdom everywhere, but not everything is valid. Misguided information about investing exists a lot here and there. Some are also not practical for daily life.

It’s very risky to start practicing investment based on that misguidance since it may cause fatal losses. False knowledge is more dangerous than no knowledge at all.

Lack of time

Many people are acquainted with investment but may have no time to conduct such in-depth analyses. Contrariwise, they may have the time but don’t really understand how to conduct business analysis correctly and effectively.

Lack of archive

Archives are a compact source of valuable investment information. They are compilations of business analyses. Crafting a comprehensive analysis can consume two months of your time, and it requires deep research, an understanding of the industry's dynamics, financial modeling, and risk management.

If you were about to do these analyses independently, evaluating only 30 businesses would take 60 months to five years.

Lack of valuable ecosystem

A valuable ecosystem means a comprehensive approach that can help people learn and make useful of all about investing. The ecosystem consists of a platform to learn systematically, an information source with detailed and credible data, and a community to share and discuss knowledge with fellow investors and the experts in each field.

Some investors may be literate in investing and have time to do business analysis and produce their archives. But they may be not be able to develop new ideas, perspectives, and information if there’s no valuable ecosystem that provides complete assistance.


Value Investor Program

THINK guides you in learning about value investing. We share our investment framework in many programs through various channels, so people who are really interested in value investing will find a great place to gain more literacy from the experienced expertise.

Information Hub

If you are an investor with knowledge, capital, and expertise but still seek additional insights from like-minded people, an information hub is crucial to leverage the diverse expertise within a community.

THINK’s members from various industries bring unique insights, allowing you to cross-check the information, gain different perspectives, and challenge assumptions.

Sharing real experiences and data in a centralized hub will reduce the risk of biased or preliminary information. It can also lead to wiser investment strategies. Furthermore, the hub fully supports operational needs, allowing members to share their best practices, tools, resources, and results.

The exchange process of knowledge will help investors navigate specific industry challenges and make more well-informed decisions regardless of their expertise in a particular sector.

Bank Of Archive

THINK presents practical archives of 500+ comprehensive business analyses from 30+ industries, providing a significant time-saving approach to gathering valuable information to ensure investors can make faster and wiser decisions independently.

By making THINK’s analysis useful, investors can focus on screening and selecting high-quality investments so they can significantly accelerate their path to their financial goals.

THINK Core Values

FRAMEWORK Investment

THINK holds three core values that work together as a chain gear: Principles, Framework, and Community.
Each core has its own function but synergize and can’t be separated to keep it going smoothly,
meaning to make your investments work well.

Investment Principles

THINK Principles are the foundation for people to step into the world of value investing. It creates a mindset of the basic investment principles as your resources to understand what is needed to be a wise and independent investor and to achieve your financial goals. We present this as THINK Tank, a series of systematic and easy-to-learn study materials you can consume through a free trial or by joining our membership.

We are serious about what we do.
We have arranged a curriculum to help you understand five core investment principles:

Personal Finance

Personal Finance

How to manage your personal finance and set a clear investment goals.



How to consistently double your portfolio every three years for lifetime.



Business language needed to understand what the business try to tell you about its condition.



How to calculate the real or intrinsic value of the business to ensure you buy at the right price for the right value.



How to handle you feeling and behave wisely when facing the stock market that is so irrational.

Each curriculum is divided into four levels with a quiz at the end of the learning to ensure you are comprehended with the insight before jumping to the next level.

Investment Framework

THINK Investment Framework is the ecosystem for people learning about value investing systematically and correctly. After signing up as members, investors can utilize our top products, which consist of:


THINK Case showcases the golden standard of investment analysis. It is a comprehensive business analysis case study showing how THINK evaluates businesses using our specific approach: Detective, Lawyer, and Judge.

THINK Bootcamp

THINK conducts a two-day comprehensive investment mentoring program as a place for members to practice and work in teams in generating investment ideas, business analysis, building archives, and deep dive into various stocks.


THINK Class more for an investor with basic principles who wants to upgrade knowledge and expand the investment comprehend through pragmatism material as the bridge to across before stepping into the analysist process in Think Case.

Kamus Besar Saham Indonesia (KBSI)

KBSI stands for Kamus Besar Saham Indonesia. It is a "big book" containing analyses of 500 companies from over 30 industries in Indonesia. KBSI compiles the high-quality THINK standard of thorough and comprehensive business analyses, covering the market, industries, each company, its potential, valuation, historical and current conditions, also updated information and commentary.


THINK Dex acts as a credible and up-to-date investment reference. By consuming this material, investors may initiate independent business analysis. Investors can take advantage of THINK Dex as a valuable guide in making proper analysis.

THINK Community

THINK Community initiates the interaction between THINK members who may come from diverse backgrounds and professional industries. In our community, everyone can learn to be an investor and be a wisely independent investor. We build this investment society through various channels, including THINK Event, which consist of THINK Talk, THINK M2M, and THINK Company Visit:


THINK organizes events to support the learning process and engagement, both with members and non-members.

As a monthly event, we hold roadshows in many regions of Indonesia to share insights, analyses, experiences and strengthen good relationships with members.

We have “Kepala Suku” as a leader in each area, covering Medan, Bandung, Surabaya, Bekasi, and Makassar.

Eka Ong

Eka Ong


Henry Suryadi

Henry Suryadi


Andreas Paskalis

Andreas Paskalis


Antony Kusmawiraputra

Antony Kusmawiraputra


Eddtwin Wijaya

Eddtwin Wijaya


The largest THINK Event is the Annual Meeting where our whole society from across Indonesia can gather to celebrate our achievements, share our next plan, mingle with fellow members, watch valuable talk show with exciting guests, and have fun together festively.

Image Image


A monthly event held online or offline, showing a presentation brought by our expert business and investment analysts. We dig deeper into the THINK Tank, further discussion on case studies from THINK Case, and explore various other investment-related topics.


A member-to-member event where THINK provides a platform for members to share their analysis within the community. This helps the members to excel in their analytical skills, expand their circle of competence, and build warm yet insightful interactions with fellow THINKers.

THINK Company Visit

An insightful onsite event where we invite our members to visit a notable company as a chance to know more about the company business model, corporate culture, current performance, update, and business prospects, directly from the company side.


What our fellow THINKers say about Us

Doddy Prayogo


“Awal berinvestasi (sepanjang) tahun 2013-2018, banyak kegagalan yang saya alami. Sebelum bergabung di THINK, ada beberapa masalah yang saya hadapi, terutama soal hanya mengandalkan Rasio. Ini membuat analisa saya tidak dalam.

Belajar melalui THINK (memberikan) banyak aspek yang membantu dalam melengkapi analisis (bisnis) saya, juga dari personal finance sangat terbantu. Banyak informasi baru yang saya dapatkan dari THINK.”

Indrawati Chen

Dokter, Entrepreneur, EX-Finance, and EX-HRD

“Saya adalah member tertua di THINK. Saya lulus SMA tahun 1973.

Setelah lulus sebagai dokter, saya ingin belajar investasi secara fundamental. Menurut saya, tidak ada tempat pembelajaran sebagus THINK! Sangat bagus dan mendalam.”

Andreas Paskalis

Entrepreneur, Kepala Suku Surabaya

“Pada awalnya saya berpikir bahwa uang saya yang nganggur di tabungan akan sayang kalau didiamkan. Saya mau uangnya bisa bekerja (untuk saya) supaya gantian saya yang bisa nganggur.

Karena itulah saya mulai cari info tentang investasi. Pertama kali tahu tentang THINK itu saat (saya) menonton video Pak John dan Pak Doddy yang membahas BBNI.

Saya merasa pemikirannya cocok dengan saya dan akhirnya tahun 2021 saya join di THINK. Sampai sekarang saya masih menjadi member THINK karena komunitas THINK satu-satunya yang masih murni membahas analisa perusahaan, bukan spekulasi saham. Kemampuan saya menganalisa perusahaan meningkat signifikan sejak menggunakan framework yang diberikan THINK.

Pokoknya THINK sangat membantu perjalanan investasi saya!”

Sally Priyani


“Saya Join THINK dari 2021. Sebelumnya saya sudah pernah ikut seminar dan kelas yang diselenggarakan oleh mereka yang disebut media sebagai 'pakar saham'. Tapi semua yang diajarkan malah membuat saya rugi.

Akhirnya saya belajar dari Pak John selama 2 tahun. Saat itu THINK akhirnya terbentuk, saya langsung mendaftar karena ingin merasakan kualitas materi dari Pak John (yang dari Beliau saja sudah sangat daging).

Adanya THINK sangat menghemat tenaga dan waktu. Tadinya saya mengikuti satu emiten saja dan bisa berbulan-bulan. Tapi di THINK, satu emiten bisa hanya dalam 6 jam dan saya bisa langsung belajar industri itu lebih cepat, bahkan lebih baik dari yang saya buat sendiri.

Semoga THINK semakin besar dan menjadi model untuk pengajar lainnya.”

Join Our Society

Everything has a price to pay, but being THINKers is a worthy guarantee. We provide 1-year of full access to all contents, which is within the same (even more) benefits, compared to:


Four years of learning in a Business School, in which you have to spend about 50 million IDR per year. THINK 1-year membership gives you full access to our program that you can access anywhere, anytime.


Hiring a personal investment assistant who would ask for a minimum wage of 10 million IDR per month, even as a fresh graduate. THINK guides and assists you professionally as an education platform, the place where you can gain more knowledge for yourself that you can utilize for a lifetime.


Months and years you will need to build your own business archives. THINK has dozens of credible and professional business and investment analysts who can make dozens of business overviews and evaluations within days.


Being a self-learning without proper guidance. THINK provides an ecosystem to grow and develop together to be a wise and independent value investor.

Moreover, THINK provides bundle packages that offer more options and benefits, which you can choose to fit your needs.

Please have a look at the details below to see the additional benefits of signing up for the bundle packages, especially the 2-year Full Program Membership.

Price Rp 0
(Sign up for a free)
Rp 30.000.000
(Equal to Rp 2.500.000 / month)
Rp 40.000.000
(Equal to Rp 3.333.333 / month)
Rp 50.000.000
(Equal to Rp 2.083.333 / month)
Subscription Period Indefinite 12 Months 12 Months 24 Months
Group Chat Onboarding Group Exclusive Group Exclusive Group Exclusive Group
Investment Principles
THINK Tank 9/21 21/21 21/21 21/21
Bootcamp 0/1 0/1 1/1 2/2
Investment Framework
THINK Case 2/34 (12+6)/(32+6) (12+6)/(32+6) 34/34
THINK Class 0/20 20/20 20/20 20/20
THINK Dex 2/16 16/16 16/16 16/16
THINK KBSI 12/500 500/500 500/500 500/500
Investor Community
Annual Meeting 0/1 1/1 (every year) 1/1 (every year) 1/1 (every year)
THINK Talk 0/12 12/12 (every year) 12/12 (every year) 12/12 (every year)
THINK Roadshow 0/12 12/12 (every year) 12/12 (every year) 12/12 (every year)
THINK Meet 0/24 24/24 (every year) 24/24 (every year) 24/24 (every year)
Insights & Publications Limited Access Full Access Full Access Full Access
Investor Tools
Investor Assessment
Personal Finance
Investment Journal

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Insights & Articles

A five-minute read covering investment-related subjects will include current trending topics, wisdom, even some basic investment knowledge.

News & Publications

Everything you need to know about new things, such as events, new products, announcement, and upgrades from THINK.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We are a passionate team who creates comprehensive ecosystem for those willing to be a wise and independent investor. We specifically live by a principles of value investing.

Sure! It is even better for the beginner who’s still free from any “contamination.”
We have THINK Class that you can make useful to learn about investing from the scratch.

The main things we need are a deep interest in investment, a willingness to learn, consistency, and diligence. There’s no limitation, and it's never too late to join because we also have the oldest THINKers, who are almost 70 years old!

Yes, all the THINK’s materials can be read and watched multiple times, anywhere, anytime.

Yes, it’s on the Telegram Group - Think Society, and it is accessible 24/7!