About Us

THINK is the lantern that enlightens you to be a wise and independent value investor.

We are a value investing program with strong society that aid people to be wise and independent investors.

What Can We Do For You?

We present an ecosystem of value investing program. It means that everything you need for learning value investing is on THINK.

THINK provides several programs rooted from our core values: PRINCIPLES, FRAMEWORK, COMMUNITY.

PRINCIPLES is the introductory to value investing, giving you new insights about how to manage and growing your asset. FRAMEWORK is a holistic learning program from basic to advanced and until you can practice the business analysis, make archives. We also provide our comprehensive and up-to-date bank archive of 500+ companies in Indonesia.

On top of that, COMMUNITY brings you to be a part of us, enjoying member event and gathering, learning together, discussing interesting issues, and many more fun yet insightful!

Total Scholarship

Our Story


We had debut with seminar called Stock Music Love (SML).

After giving numerous seminars, the members began to express a desire to access the materials that's provided anytime they wanted to.

We began creating a website as the outcome of this understanding.


Once we established a website that members could access, we changed the name from SML to Think Research Institute (TRI).

While doing this, Think Research Institute still only had three founders on the team.

We stopped member registration so that we could concentrate on improving our website.


We rebranded as THINK.

In order to grow even bigger, we were gradually expanding the team.

We also began to reopen new member registration since we're convinced we could provide more and better.


THINK continued to grow as time passed by.

THINK now had larger teams and more products available. Our office relocated to Sampoerna Strategic Square since we needed more space for our expanded employees.

For many years to come THINK is still committed to developing and improving.

Our Philosophy

We see stocks as they should: ownership in a business. We aim to achieve superior returns by buying partial ownership of high-quality businesses run by trustworthy people.

We stay within our circle of competence. We tell the truth about what we know and, more importantly, what we don't know.

Director & Advisor

Sumadi Surianto

Chief Executive Officer

Billy Latif

Chief Operating Officer

Hendy Djuarto

Chief Technology Officer

Hendy Djuarto

Chief Technology Officer

Johnson Bunarwan


Johnson Bunarwan


Sumadi Surianto

Chief Executive Officer

Sumadi is an equity investor with profound experience in assorted industries.

Prior to building THINK, Sumadi held controller roles for one of ASEAN's largest conglomerates.

Experience for more than 8 year investment journey with 95%+ asset allocations, he believes that:
"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be as well"

Stay true to your convictions and focus on your inner scorecard.

Billy Latif

Chief Operating Officer

Billy is a young equity investor who practices "fat pitch" and sticks within his own circle of competence.

He is conscious of what he knows and, more importantly, what he doesn't know.

He invests 95%+ of his personal assets in stocks and has multiplied his own as well as his family's portfolios.

Hendy Djuarto

Chief Technology Officer

Hendy, a tech prodigy, delved into programming at a very early age, fostering a deep passion for the synergy between technology and investment. With majority of his wealth invested in the Indonesian stock market.

Currently, as an owner of an IT consultant firm, Hendy leads a team of around 30 professionals, serving fintech clients in Indonesia and Australia. Their expertise extends to 2 multinational consumer goods corporations. He's now focusing on the development of THINK, where he found solace in the 2 things he likes the most, tech and investment.

Johnson Bunarwan


John is a 10-year-seasoned equity investor who put 95%+ of his net worth in stocks and consistently generates a very good return.

He puts ethics at the foundation of investment.

"Don't do stuff that you don't want others do to you" is his life motto.

We are sure John's experience will be a huge boost to THINKers.